Part 4: Outlook #
Overview #
The fourth part looks at computer science as a discipline and presents four current research topics: Deep Learning, Blockchains, Quantum Computing and Immersive Reality. It is about learning IT systems, democratic databases, new types of computer technologies and changing ways of interacting with computer systems. A final chapter discusses large language models.
- Chapter 19: Computer science – quo vadis?
- Chapter 20: When computers talk
Figures #
The following illustrations from the book Basiswissen Informatik are available for download and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Using the figures
You are free to use, share, and adapt the figures below for any non-commercial purposes, e. g., for oral presentations and classes. Attribution should be given to copyright holder (PHBern), book illustrator (Magdalena Siegenthaler) and book author (Eckart Zitzler).