Chapter 8: Algorithms #
Overview #
Topcis covered in “Denk!": what is a calculation - organsims and behavior - what is a problem in Computer Science - problem types - algorithms and programs - trial and error - branch and bound - greedy strategy - dynamic programming - divide and conquer - the concept of recursion - natural and artificial intelligence - learning - neural networks - two-player-games - game trees - language recognition - formal languages and grammars - Chomsky hierarchy - finite state machines - Hilbert’s Entscheidungsproblem - intractability - running time complexity - orders of growth - travelling salesperson problem - polynomial time reduction - non-determinism - the satisfiability problem - P and NP - NP-completeness.
Figures #
The following illustrations from the book Inside the Computer’s Brain (Dem Computer ins Hirn geschaut) are available for download and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Using the figures
You are free to use, share, and adapt the figures below for any non-commercial purposes, e. g., for oral presentations and classes. Attribution should be given to both book illustrator (Susanne Staubli) and book author (Eckart Zitzler), so please include an acknowledgement such as: “Illustration by Susanne Staubli, Eckart Zitzler”.